
What's an array, you say?

An array is a special kind of variable that can store multiple values in a single variable.

 $friends = array();

Huzzah! We just created an array with array(), the so-called array constructor.


An empty array doesn't really serve a purpose, though. How about we give $friends some values?

 $friends = array("Caroline", "Max");

Great! We can create an array with values by putting them in the parentheses of array().


But how can we access the contents of an array?

 $friends = array("Caroline", "Max");
 echo $friends[0];

//Output Below


That's it! We can access a value by putting its position in brackets after the array's name.

Psst: this position is zero-based, which means that it starts at 0.


We can also add values to an array. Let's add something to $friends, shall we?

 $friends = array("Caroline", "Max");
$friends[] = "Earl";

Nice! We can add a value by giving it to the array with brackets but without a position.


Now that we know how to add values, how might we be able to replace one?

 $friends = array("Caroline", "Max");
 $friends[1]  = "Chestnut";

//Output Below

array(2) {
  string(8) "Caroline"
  string(8) "Chestnut"

Fantastic! We can replace a value by storing a new value at a position that already exists.

Psst: var_dump() is a so-called function that displays information about a variable. It allows us to see the whole array.


We can find out the number of items in an array as well. How might we do this?

 $friends = array("Caroline", "Max");
 echo count($friends);

//Output Below


Sweet! We can use the count() function to find out how many values an array has.


We can also sort an array. Let's add some more values and get $friends in alphabetical order!

 $friends = array("Caroline",
  "Max", "Earl", "Oleg", "Han");

//Output Below

array(5) {
  string(8) "Caroline"
  string(4) "Earl"
  string(3) "Han"
  string(3) "Max"
  string(4) "Oleg"

Right on! The sort() function orders the items of an array in ascending order, be they numbers or strings.

Psst: another function called rsort() sorts an array in descending order.